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May 14, 2024:

A Special Announcement about limited-editon Giclees and open-edition Posters:

1) High-resolution image-files of the most interesting paintings on this site have been available for some time now, but I've finally posted hi-res files for all the other images also (well, not the landscapes just yet, but I'll get around to it). These files can be found at the bottom of the image-pages with the Poster Art links. I'm not saying you could easily print these things yourself, but technically...

2) I've added a new gallery to JonathonArt.com: Whimsical Wildlife. There's some fun stuff there, so you should check it out....

3) The third 52-page chapter of my Nine-Volume saga, The DragonStar Chronicles, was published by Markosia in October; Book IV is currently about 45% complete and I hope to have it done by the end of the year...

4) The first 44-page chapter of my Nine-Volume saga, The DragonStar Chronicles, has just been published by Markosia, and is available NOW. Peolple who know my work may recognize some familiar themes in the new graphic novel adventure, but my Quest for Art fable really is unlike anything you have read before:

A defective young human has stolen cosmic dragon;
the Galactic Transportation Authority will burn worlds to get it back...

I hope you will consider having a closer look at the project website: DragonstarChronicles.com

Or purchase a copy right now on Amazon!

5) I have finished work on my DOHI paintings (that's Destiny Of Human Intelligence), a series of images that seek to poetically imagine the technological ambitions described by Google Brain Project director Ray Kurzweil - who famously predicted that:

"...nanotechnology infused with artificial intelligence...will go out into the universe and...the universe will wake up; it will become intelligent."

I found Mr. Kurzweil's optimism inspiring and wondered, what would that look like? Will humanity sometime in the future - in 100 years or 1000 - paint enduring monuments to our creative ambition across the sky, just as we have done across the earth? The first in the series, Chasing Butterflies, was followed by Geometry of Eternal Creation, and Achieving the Surface; the fourth (and last) in the series is now complete: Apothesosis (so I'll be working on something entirely new next year...).

I've written a short 7000-word essay on this very important issue, which concludes with a discussion of my DOHI paintings. If you haven't read one of my philosophical ramblings before, this excellent essay (if I do say so myself) will be an entertaining introduction to the ideas that informed my recent work. It's called: Imagining Cosmography

6) I am pleased announce that the first edition of my new art book, Art of the LotusMaiden - The Mythic Naturalism of Jonathon Earl Bowser, has sold out. Unfortunately, I am currently without a second edition, but it is indeed in production and I should have it by the end of September. This full-color 104-page collection of my best work should be my best book yet!

7) I am delighted to announce the release of my first music CD, Rumours of Free Will and Wonder. This collection of 8 original compositions - inspired by some of the recurring themes in my paintings - was recorded over 6 years in my home recording studio and then professionally mixed and mastered at Pulsworks Studio. It is available now for only $20!

8) I am continuing to add new HD videos to the still-growing collection; be sure to see them all on my Video Vignettes Page or on my YouTube channel.

9) I sincerely appreciate the support of the many web-sites displaying my work; I hope all those who are enjoying the free, non-commercial internet use of my registered copyrights will remember to purchase an artist-signed 16-page Catalog for only US$15 - it is a very small price indeed to pay for art...