- About the binding on my book... -

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I feel that some explanation for the cover of my book is necessary. It was my initial intention to publish 50 copies of my book with something called "perfect-binding" - basically, the same kind of heavy-card wrap-around cover seen on paperback books everywhere. The book printer supplied a perfect-bound proof for approval...and pages fell out of the binding on the first viewing. There are, it seems, still some limitations in digital publishing (this book was produced by a $2,000,000 I-Gen digital press, as opposed to a traditional offset press usually used to publish books), but even in traditional publishing there are, I'm told, some challenges in getting 300 glossy-coated sheets to properly adhere in a paperback binding.

I certainly didn't want these expensive books falling apart, and so I inquired about alternatives. One was a hardcover binding that, for some mysterious reason, is able to grab onto the edge of the paper a little better. I hoped to be able to publish a few copies with this option, but the unit cost to produce them was prohibitively expensive. The only other option is what you see in the photograph to the left: soft-cover coil-binding. Now, I have to concede that coil-binding is not as attractive as the standard paperback binding I had originally planned for, but it does have some advantages and I am now, unfortunately, obliged to point them out:

- It will lie perfectly flat on a table, useful for hands-free viewing.
- These pages will definitely NOT fall out...
- Unless you want to easily and cleanly remove a single page for display.

So I guess I am asking you not to judge this book by it's cover; the interior looks very good indeed and I am delighted with the quality of the reproductions. It doesn't look fancy on your bookshelf, but it looks great in your hands...

The Entrance Foyer to
The Goddess Art of Jonathon Earl Bowser